YouTube “Culture and Trends” Report

New Insights into Key Video Consumption Trends Among Gen Z

This report incorporates data gathered from a pool of 10 countries around the world and is aimed at providing information and a different perspective on what is driving the Gen Z video trends.

It sounds inconsequential enough and yet this is a report that could shape who we interact with YouTube, what drives us to watch what we watch and…. they are not saying this out loud…

How can YouTube use this information to… monetize their plaform.

In this 55-page report, YouTube takes a look at three main trends emerging from its data set:

  • Community Creativity:How users are using the internet to turn their passions into niches, and how they use this creativity to move into larger, shared experiences.
  • Multi-format Creativity: Short videos are a thing now, but it wasn’t always like that for YouTube.  In fact 60 seconds and less videos were made famous on TikTok before other plaftorms realized their potential. Even though the earning opportunities YouTube provides the content creators do not apply to shorts, this trend is enable savvy creators to diversify the reach of their audiences and in turn, with larger audiences, increase their own earning and monetization potentials.
  • Responsive Creativity: During the pandemic, YouTube realized that 83% of Gen Z used YouTube videos for soothing purposes. In other words they were watching content designed to help them allieviate stress and relax.  This trend was a significa increase from the previous year, hence the prolifiration of formats from “comfort creators” that address emotional needs.
YouTube Culture & Trends Report

Says YouTube:

We found that digital culture is now all about personally-relevant content. In fact, 65% of Gen Z (online 18-24 year olds) agree that content that’s personally relevant to them is more important than the content that lots of other people talk about. Individual viral videos – the Davids, Charlies, and, yes, even foxes that broke through in the past – are becoming increasingly less central to trends in a world where audiences and creators prioritize moments that matter to them and their lives.”

You can download the report here


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