Every now and again people ask me if they should just give up on blogging, since we are now firmly in the age of social media.

It is an understandable question since building a social media account is a full time job and time is a rare commodity.

It is also frustrating on a number of levels, the least one being that we own our blogs unlike the accounts we “have” on social media.

Of course, owning a blog doesn’t mean that we do not have to deal with outside influences like the the dreaded google sandbox for example, but our blogs enables us to be in control of our content.

Imagine for a moment the nightmare if you found yourself one morning realizing that your beloved social media account, the one responsible for such large chunk of your income had disappeared! What would you do then?

And if you think I am exaggerating, think Myspace, a platform I had personally been very active on, and built a huge audience with until the platform collapsed.

So no, you should not giving up on blogging.  Here are some of the reasons:

????Blogging is the most stable form of SEO
????Blogging creates your own social media hub
????Blogging enables you to build your email list

And more importantly, blogging the right way can drive huge amount of traffic to your website, and if you want to be the beneficiary of that traffic, then should absolutely not neglect it.

In my reel, I have show the stats for the website of one of my students.  If you’ve looked at the reel until the end, then you would have seen that this website ranks in the top 20 of google for just under 5000 keywords.  

That’s a huge amount of traffic.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Blog and Make It Pay Off Big Time!

The Ultimate Guide to Running a Profitable Blog!

The art of consistently creating education based content that is easy for search engines to find and index, easy to share, attracts links, creates a searchable and archivable body of work on a subject and will always be seen as organic by Google has never, ever been more important.

For the last couple of years, the search engine optimization industry has been all about content creation and distribution. In fact, it has become a highly competitive market where companies are willing to spend thousands of dollars on a single piece of content to help them rank higher.

To be successful with content marketing, you will need to create high-quality content that is both engaging and informative. You will also need to be able to distribute this content effectively so that it can reach as many people as possible.

Content marketing has become the primary method for generating leads, building brand awareness, and driving traffic to websites. If you’re serious about creating content that will generate results, you have to learn how to use content marketing effectively.

Content marketing is a form of marketing that involves creating content (like blog posts, videos, eBooks, etc.) that people find interesting, useful, or entertaining. The goal is to drive people to your website so that they can learn more about you and your products or services.

Content marketing is a great way to engage your audience with a variety of content. But it’s not enough to just create great content. You must also make sure that you’re sharing it in the right places. It is cost-effective, it can be done by anyone with a computer, and it is the only form of marketing that will never run out.

A quick tutorial on how to create content for your blog

Step 1: Create a content strategy. 

Step 2: Define the topic: Create a list of topics you want to write about.

Step 3: Define the type of content you want to create: Create a list of types of content you want to write about. What type of content do you want to create?

Step 4: Determine your audience: Determine who your audience is. Who is your audience? What are their needs? What are they looking for?

Step 5: Determine the length of content: Determine how long each piece should be. If you’re going to write a blog post, what’s the length of each blog post?

Step 6: Determine the frequency of content: Determine how often you want to write. Will you write a post every day, once a week, or once a month?

Step 7: Determine the format of content: Determine what type of content you want to create. Do you want to create an ebook? A blog post? An infographic?

Step 8: Create content that is easy to share: Share your content on social media. Make sure your content is easy to share, easy to read and easy to understand.

Step 9: Use content that is easy to find: Use a content management system like WordPress or Blogger. This makes it easy to add new content and search for it.

Step 10: Add links: Add links to other content that is related to your purpose. It’s important to add links to your own content so that you get found.

In conclusion, to make your content more engaging, you need to give the reader a sense of what’s in it for them. This means making sure that the content you create is something they can relate to and understand. It also means that you’re going to need to know the best ways to attract readers to your content. You can use a variety of strategies, including social media sharing, email marketing, and paid advertising.


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